Summer is all about fun at BLC

Soak up the sun while joining us in a wide array of special events and activities throughout Baptist Life Communities. From the Long House and Munro House to Timber Woods, Village Care Center and The Seasons @ Alexandria we have planned loads of fun for all the residents to enjoy. These long summer days bring about beautiful memories to our thoughts and increase joy to our souls! “…the earth is full of His unfailing love.” (Psalm 33:5)

Summer Outings

Community residents enjoy outings such as visits to the local Farmers Markets and even a lunch trip to Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club, plus weekly outings to Krogers and much more!

Summer On Campus

BLC strives to provide events that are new and exciting and ones that will encourage all residents to stay active and get involved. We all scream for Ice Cream Socials in the clubhouse, on the patios, beautiful garden areas or balconies. Also, socializing every Friday at the Long House Community Center is always a favorite amongst our residents. Enjoying the luxury of our many spas is a highlight as well. Who doesn’t love a little pampering? In addition, family and friends are always welcome to have dinner with their loved ones at any of our friendly neighborhoods at The Seasons @ Alexandria and after dinner, how about taking a lovely stroll on our paved walking path?

Summer Off Campus

Off campus fun is something everyone enjoys! Most recently the Village Care Center fulfilled dreams on their “Bucket List Program” by surprising residents with a trip to the nearby water park where they splashed and laughed the day away! After seeing pictures of his mother at the park one family member said  “Those pictures are great. Looks like you made my mom’s day…and mine! Please thank all involved for me.” Kristi Hilbert, Director of Nursing was over the moon with excitement after watching her residents and staff have such a wonderful time. After looking at all the pictures of resident’s faces she commented: “My heart is full.”

Monthly plans include our residents who are not able to tolerate some of the off campus events and instead we have a list of things planned especially for them, such as

Walking Club – Walking is easy on your joints and strengthens your heart. Not to mention, the fresh morning air can help calm your nerves, improve your mood, and keep you energetic and positive for the rest of the day. We encourage and work with all of our residents to remain active while reminding them that movement is excellent for the mind, body & soul.

Sit & Be Fit Exercise Program – We believe everyone has the right to feel good and this particular exercise program empowers all participants with the necessary tools to do just that. Walking is impactful in many ways and a big plus is that it also improves flexibility and mobility.

At Baptist Life Communities, we embrace positive living by enhancing your lifestyle with quality activities and outings. BLC has been steadily changing and growing for over sixty years and we continue to add programs that will help you live your very best life by living life to the fullest!! For more information about our locations, programs or services, please contact us at (859) 283-8600.

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