Spring is a time for renewal and revitalization. Just as in nature, rebirth and renewal are a beautiful part of life; and we all benefit from this. In fact, consider taking time right now to make a list of things in your life that need to change for the better. Positive thoughts? New life experiences? A renewal of your faith?
The best way to be happy is to turn negative thinking into positive thoughts and actions. Easier said than done, right? According to the Mayo Clinic, you can learn to think positively by creating new positive patterns and replace those negative thoughts regularly. For example, try writing down your own personal list of positive ideas, then when you catch yourself having an unfavorable view, replace those negative thoughts with ideas from your list.
Adventure provides a different perspective on a positive outlook. Richard Branson said it best. “If happiness is the goal- and it should be, then adventure should be a priority.” Look around your environment. Is this the experience you want to have? Start your own personal bucket list of new life experiences.
Spend a peaceful day on the beach
Get your first massage
Go on a hot air balloon ride
Get a small tattoo with a personal meaning
Go see a Broadway Play
Take a bus or train tour
Go to the horse races
A renewal of faith will also help keep negative thinking at bay. Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Begin by praying this verse frequently throughout the day, especially during times of anxiousness and increased stress. Allow yourself to feel God’s peace in your thinking and you will begin to see glimpses of a new transformation taking place.
The key to remember for this season of spring reNEWal is negative thoughts and routines will keep you unhappy; however, positive thinking will provide a longer, happier and much healthier life! At Baptist Life Communities we embrace positive living by enhancing your lifestyle with quality choices. BLC has been steadily changing and growing for over sixty years, and we continue to walk this journey of life with you today! For more information about our locations, programs or services, and to learn more about our “Bucket List Program” please contact us at (859) 283-8600 or sign up to stay in touch Here.